Optionally prints a confirmation message on success. I thought that it might be a good idea to rework some concepts to make them less formal, simpler to follow and more closely related to the implementation with R. Silently returns TRUE if asreml installed successfully or already present, FALSE otherwise. This is the follow-up of a manuscript that we (some colleagues and I) have published in 2016 in the European Journal of Agronomy (Onofri et al., 2016). If keep_file does not specify an existing, valid path, an error will be shown after package installation. If a valid path is provided in keep_file, the file will be saved to that path, but all directories are assumed to exist and will not be created. The ASReml-R package file is downloaded from a shortlink, and if keep_file is TRUE, the package archive file will be saved in the current directory. Other arguments passed to install_asreml() A file path can also be provided to save to another directory. Should the downloaded asreml package file be kept? Default is FALSE. Useful for upgrading if it is already installed. Helper functions for installing or updating the ASReml-R package, intended to reduce the difficulty of finding the correct version for your operating system and R version. Install or Update the ASReml-R package Description